A lot has happened since the last update. Just over a month ago, whilst working on my car, my back went in to spasm, OWWW! After a week off work and mostly whacked out on muscle relaxants and codeine I started to gently train again - bad move. Another spasm, this time whilst driving, convinced me to take things even easier.
The first thing that went was strength training of any sort, my 5/3/1 strength programme was right out the window. No striking against resistance (no heavy bag, no maize bag), no kicking of any sort. This left me with the question of what I could do. First up, walk. Yes, really. Walking a couple of miles at a reasonable pace with the dog was a way of feeling more confident doing anything that made me break sweat. After this I moved to carrying our Bas Rutten's boxing workout with no resistance, then the thai boxing workout and finally the all round workout. Before anything I was warming up properly and carrying out DeFranco's Agile 8 and scarecrows religiously. This has made a big difference. I've also put goodmornings in to my training in order to build the lower back.
The injury really focused me on conditioning, something that I should do more anyway, and hopefully has begun to instil the habit in me. I've certainly enjoyed doing more circuits, more boxing and more bodyweight exercises. I have started strength training again but I've reduced my numbers in a big way. I've also been hitting the bag with regularity again.
Hopefully I'll stay injury free and be able to update more often.