So what's this all about?

I turn forty at the end of the year. Before I get there I want to have another amateur MMA fight. This blog is a record of how, and if, I manage to achieve this.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How's it going?

This week's training has gone pretty well. At present I'm splitting the sessions between conditioning and strength training. I've set myself the goal of getting down from 240 to 205lbs to compete, heavy enough for someone who's 5'6".

I'm also not planning to return to Leicester Shoot until I've dropped 20lbs.

How am I doing this? Less food, more conditioning, good supplements.

No.1 Just eating less crap - biscuits, crisps, bread, desserts. Eating more fruit, drinking more water, etc.

No.2 At least three conditioning sessions a week. This week these have been sled dragging, SAID circuits and Bas Rutten thai boxing workouts. I also do sprints & barbell complexes.

No.3 Lots of fish oil, Zinc, Magnesium, a good multi vit and Gugglesterones (more about this later...)

The strength side of things is comprised of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 programme. I'm on my sixth cycle of this and loving it. I'll write up some more on this another time, I gotta get some food and get to bed.

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